Derivative classification is a required training event. Defense contractors who use classified source material to generate a new product perform derivative classification. According to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) all derivative classifiers must receive this training every two years.
Contractor personnel make derivative classification decisions when they incorporate, paraphrase, restate, or generate in new form, information that is already classified; then mark the newly developed material consistently with the classification markings that apply to the source information. Derivative classification includes the classification of information based on guidance, which may be either a source document or classification guide.
Order your training here:
Derivative decisions are made through:Incorporating-Programs that assemble classified parts or use integration of classified processes assemble those already classified parts into a new classified
product. This product’s classification level is derived from the incorporation of those classified parts
Restating-A cleared defense contractor takes analyzed data and writes it in a way for lay people to understand the performance is performing derivative classification. According to XXX SCG, the analyzed data is classified. The classification markings are carried over to the presentation or paper.
Paraphrasing-a researcher analyzes classified reports from three sources to create a consolidated report as part of a contractual requirement. Instead of copying the report word for word, they shorten it, documenting only the relevant facts.
Generating-Using classification instructions (SCG, DD Form 254, contract) as part of the process to build a classified product. This could be an end item, a report, test results and etc. The newly classified item is derived from instructions identifying classified characteristics, processes, parts or information.Why is this training important?
Change 1 to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) outlines requirements for derivative classification. Where the original classification authority receives training on the same topics annually, NISPOM requires derivative classification once every two years. and at least once every two years. According to NISPOM derivative classifiers should be trained…in the proper application of the derivative classification principles, with an emphasis on avoiding over-classification, at least once every 2 years. .. not authorized to conduct derivative classification until they receive such training.
Here’s the important part, no training, no work. Proper training and documentation is the difference between performing on classified work and not being able to meet contractual requirements.
What you’ll receive:
over 40 slides with required training topics
notes pages to read while presenting
Comprehensive quiz
Printable certificate fir recording names and training event Does your business have time to focus on training requirements?
Defense contractors and cleared contractors with one to a few hundred employees may have FSOs designated in addition to regular duties. COOs, engineers, CFOs, HR and other professionals don’t have time to create and execute training while performing on contract.
That’s where Red Bike Publishing can help.
An FSO can spend several hours designing training. At $35.00 per manager work hour, that could end up costing at least $150.00, not including the costs associated with brining the FSO off a contract to perform out of scope work. Our low cost, high value training package allows you to concentrate on your core competencies while we provide your required training. Our NISPOM Training contains requirements for the Annual Security Awareness and Initial Security Training. Just download our slides and lead the discussion, the notes are already filled out and ready to read.
NISPOM Training $49.95
FSOs have a huge responsibility to protect classified information. As such, these FSOs may be owners, engineers, human resources or appointed employees with other additional duties. If you are an appointed FSO with other duties, you might be just too involved running your company to create a training program.
Red Bike Publishing can help. We’ve created an easy to use presentation that you can download and deliver. Notes are available straight from the NISPOM. You can read them word for word or you can tailor the presentation to meet your organizational needs. Once complete, you’ll meet the National Industrial Security Program (NISPOM) and Defense Security Services (DSS) training requirements.
NISPOM Derivative Classifier Training
When you invest with this training program you will receive a link for the main presentation . Topics include NISPOM requirements:
Classification Level
Duration Of Classification
Identification And Markings
Classification Prohibitions And Limitations
Classification Challenges
Security Classification Guides (SCG)
Information Sharing
You focus on core competencies while we focus on oursCleared contractors have to follow NISPOM requirements to keep their security clearances. They have to keep their security clearances to perform on classified contracts. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to let someone else take care of your training needs?
Again, the training you download addresses NISPOM required topics. All you have to do is deliver to cleared employees. You can read it word for word, tailor the information for your mission, or simply let employees read the presentation themselves. It’s that easy.
If you would like more information about NISPOM training send an email to with your first name and email address.
Properly documented training is needed and this training meets the requirements.
Order your now and keep your employees working.
Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing Red Bike Publishing . He regularly consults, presents security training, and recommends export compliance and intellectual property protection countermeasures. He is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook", "ISP Certification-The Industrial Security Professional Exam Manual", and NISPOM/FSO Training".
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